My name is Sam Rangel, and I am so grateful that you found my blog.
I have been in education for 30 years now, and I love what I do.
I created this site initially to help as many new and soon-to-be teachers find their success in the classroom as soon as possible.
Recently, however, I have shifted my purpose to one that I believe is at the heart of education, and I have never been more motivated to use this platform to reach as many teachers as I can.
Too many students are not connected with education. Too many kids come to school with negative labels that been affixed to them by some influential adults in their lives. Too many students are sitting in our classrooms needing someone to believe in them.
My new goal with SuccessInTheClassroom.com is to help connect more kids to the classroom. I want to help teachers reach those students who are falling through the cracks.
Your first years are busy with just trying to survive, but hopefully with my help, you’ll not only survive, but your students will find an amazing teacher who will inspire them to be great.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to give you some insight into this great career, and help you reach that ultimate goal of Success in the Classroom! Take a look around. Like SITC on Facebook. Follow me on Twitter. Sign up for the SITC Newsletter, and get some really cool free stuff.
Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or would like to know more about how to be successful in the classroom.
Here’s a page to get started – The Collection.
Thank you for all you do for our kids.
Until next time, here’s to your Success in the Classroom!

This is a photo of us having fun in the snow. My wife, Irene, my sons, Samuel and Mark and my daughter, Richelle. We live in Southern California, so snow is a pretty big deal for us.