My name is Sam Rangel, and I’ve been a teacher for over 20 years.
It’s been a great journey, but I must admit, it hasn’t been always easy.
I’ve learned so much from trial and error and from advice of mentors. I’ve been privileged to be able to serve as a Master teacher to many soon-to-be teachers, and I have been able to share what I’ve learned over the years with them. Back in my time, as most veteran teachers will attest to, I was thrown into a classroom, given a teacher’s version of the text, and told to do my best.
I learned how to teach the hard way.
That is why I created
I know there a lot of new teachers who are looking for some plain and simple tips and strategies that they can implement into their lessons today to avoid the tough learning lessons that I and many veteran teachers have had to suffer through.
So if you are a new teacher, welcome to the greatest, if not the highest paying profession in the world.
Your life will forever be affected by the students who are enrolled in your classes.
Stop by every now and then, take a look around, and listen to some hard-learned lessons from an old teacher like me.
I love teaching, and now that I am not making the new teacher mistakes, it’s even better.
My goal is to give you some basic teaching tips to get you sooner to that place called Success in the Classroom!
Don’t forget to download my free e-book.
It gives you tips and and strategies that I’ve learned over the years. Sign up for the SITC newsletter and we’ll send you a link where you can download it for free. Click here to sign up.
In the meantime, here’s a quick list of posts where I share some of the greatest lessons I’ve learned over the years:
1. How to Let Parents Know What’s for Homework
This is a great way to keep students from fooling their parents about what they should be doing that evening. The best part about it is that you don’t have to do any work once it’s set up. Parents love it. Kids not so much. Click here.
2. What Principal’s Look for in a Prospective Teacher
I had a principal call me about a student teacher of mine, and I thought I’d share some of the questions I was asked. Click here.
3. How to Get Hired as a Full Time Teacher
My student teacher was hired as soon as she left my class. With so few positions open, find out why she got the job. Click here.
4. Five Ways to Get the Class Quiet Without Raising Your Voice
Teachers should never have to yell or scream at a class. Here are some strategies that I learned over the years. Click here.
6. How to Write a Class Rap
This will work once, maybe twice in middle school. It’s a fun way to review a lesson. Click here.
7. Why Every Teacher Should Have Their Own Website – At Least Two
Learn why you can make an impact not only on your students, but on the teaching world. Click here.
8. Ten Ways To Make Your Classroom Better Than Home
Too many students have home lives that can break your heart. Learn some quick and easy ways to provide that safe caring place away from home. Click here.
9. What To Do When The Student is Being Defiant
You’ll have those students who do not take the hint after three warnings. It’s time to take back control of your classroom. Here’s how. Click here.
10. Top Ten Classroom Management Tips
Just another post where I share some quick and easy strategies that I’ve learned over the years to keep my students learning. Click here.