How to Nail the Teacher Interview – A Skype conversation with a soon-to-be teacher.
Hello Amazing Soon-To-Be-Teachers.
I received a message from one of my former students, who is also one of my former student teachers, asking me if I would like to conduct a mock interview with her, since she was planning on interviewing in our district. I, of course, agreed. We met over Skype, and spoke for about an hour. I offered her some tips and strategies that would help her in the interview, and then we had our mock interview. With her permission, I recorded our conversation, and sharing it on SITC.
In this audio program I share some of what I have learned over the years of conducting teacher interviews not only for my school, but as a panel member for other schools. My role as an Assistant Principal gives me, I believe, a unique perspective on what prospective teachers need to know before going into an interview for that teaching position that can change their lives, and the lives of their students, forever.
After listening to this recording, I believe you will learn what school administrators are looking for in a new teacher, and you will feel more confident as you walk into the interview room.
Thank you,
Be Amazing!