Here are a some posts that I came across that I think should be spotlighted. Check them out.
Levels of Classroom Management – IdeaConnect – Great advice for new teachers. Which level are you at?
Breaking Habits: Rethinking Current Educational Practices – Molehills Out of Mountains – These habits have been decades in the making. Can we actually do this? I say let’s give it a shot!
More Collaborative Drawing in the Classroom – Sabrina’s Weblog – I thought this was just a cool way to make reading a book in class more interactive.
If We Teach to the Test – Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension – Teaching to the test – hate it. Don’t do it, at least not purposely. It’s always at the back of my mind when I’m making lesson plans, however. I like the message behind this post. By the way Pernille, I think you’re a winner.
Contributing Twitter Teachers: @grahamwhisen @azjd @ShellTerrell @4thGrdTeach