I came across post recently, and I thought it would be great for new teachers and student teachers.
What is your niche in the teaching world?
Are you an elementary school teacher, a middle school teacher, a high school teacher?
This is so important to figure out before you start your career. If you are not in your right place, your days won’t be as satisfying as they should be.
I learned early on that my place was in middle school. Even w ith all the hormone drama, and the I-Know-More-Than-You-Do attitude, I found that the students in middle school still haven’t figured out who they are. I like the fact that as their teacher, I can help influence their life’s path by encouraging them to make the right choices.
Pat Hensly from successfulteaching.blogspot.com wrote a great post where she explains her experiences teaching at each level. She encourages teachers to find their niche.
Find it here: http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2010/12/what-if-we-switched.html
Thanks Pat.
I’m glad you liked the post! I think it is so important to find our niche. I guess that is why I loved my job for 30 years!
I’m going on 23 years in middle school, and still loving it. Thanks for your post.