Helping teachers have a greater impact on the lives of their students every day

My Teacher Doesn’t Like Me – It’s Not What You Know; It’s What Your Students Believe

I was speaking with a student recently about school and her classes, when she said something that made me a little sad.

“My teacher doesn’t like me.”

Of course, I asked her why she felt this was true.

She went on to share how the teacher sometimes doesn’t acknowledge her when she’s trying to ask a question or how the teacher always calls her name when the class is loud.

She admitted to sometimes talking when she should not be, and that sometimes she asks questions without raising her hand.

I tried to convince her that the teacher did like her, and that she really wanted the best for her, but I don’t know if I succeeded.

I spent all day thinking about what this student said to me.

“My teacher doesn’t like me.”

It reminded me of the Every Child Needs a Champion Ted Talk given by Rita Pearson. I’ve added the video below.

She says that even though there are kids who we may not like, “they can never ever know it.”

Some kids get on our last nerve. They seem to wake up every morning plotting how to ruin our day. They are disrespectful and don’t care about anything you have to say or teach. You label them as the bad kid, and if you could, you would pay money to have them out of your class. What’s worse, like Rita shares, these students are never absent.

You’re thinking of a student right now. Aren’t you. Go ahead, say his/her name.

Here’s the big question:

Does that student think you don’t like them?

“But Sam, I like all my kids.”

Unfortunately, that’s not the question. It’s not what you know. It’s what your students believe that matters most.

If a student believes that you don’t like him/her, then that is reality.

Perception is reality.

My goal with this blog is to help as many new and soon-to-be teachers find their success in the classroom.

Here is one of the greatest tips I can ever offer a new teacher :

Your students must believe that they are important to you.

Again, it’s not what you know; it’s what they believe that matters.

Remind your students often how smart they are. Tell them that you like them. Go ahead.

“Johnny, I like you. You’re a good kid, but you have to stay in your seat while I’m teaching. OK?”

When your student know that they are important to you, they will go above and beyond to make you happy. They’ll come to your defense when other students are being disrespectful. They’ll be your loyal followers.teacher-doesnt-like-me

When students believe that you don’t care about them, they will not care about your expectations, what you’re teaching, your happiness, or you.

We all want to be valued. We all want to be liked.

These desires are magnified in the minds and hearts of our kids.

Be that teacher who likes all their kids, not only in your heart, but in their hearts as well.

Please check out Rita’s video. I know it will inspire you.

Until next time, here’s to your Success in the Classroom!

Thank you,


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