I’m glad you asked.
I’m thankful for a lot of things.
I’m thankful for my family and for a wife who allows me to spend so much time on the computer.
I’m thankful for my iPad where I can write posts like this one while sitting on the couch.
I’m thankful for WordPress that allows me to create websites like this one. Back when I first started online, it was a a lot more difficult to make attractive websites.
I’m thankful for students who come back after several years just to say hi. I only wish I could remember all their names.
I’m thankful for teachers who share their experience and expertise online for new teachers. Joel from SoYouWantToTeach.com, Elona from TeachersAtRisk.com, and Dustin from TeacherTipster.com, to name a few. You are an inspiration to new teachers and old teachers like me. Keep doing what you’re doing.
I’m thankful that I still have my ninja skills. I needed them the other day when I had to sneak into my son’s room to get a baby tooth from under his pillow. Went in and out without being noticed. Came out $5 poorer however.
I’m thankful for parents who make their children do their homework BEFORE they update their Facebook status.
I’m thankful parents who don’t blame teachers for their child’s poor grades.
I’m thankful for colleagues who make going to work something to look forward to. I have the best team of teachers in the world.
I’m thankful for administrators that don’t freak out when they get ONE complaint about something a teacher does.
I’m thankful for bloggers who retweet my tweets.
I’m thankful for Starbucks gift cards. They make perfect gifts for teachers. Don’t they?
I’m thankful for furlough days. I get to spend more time with my family. My wife isn’t too crazy about the “extra vacation days” however.
I’m thankful I have a job. A lot of great teachers didn’t return to class this year.
I’m thankful for a lot of things.
Too many times we focus on all the things we don’t have.
Let’s choose to concentrate on those things we do have.
What are you thankful for?