Helping teachers have a greater impact on the lives of their students every day

The Amazing Teacher Pledge – Promise #2 – Keep Learning

As I stated in the last post, I’m encouraging new teachers and soon-to-be teachers to take the Amazing Teacher Pledge – a set of 10 promises that I believe all amazing teachers make.

These are promises that any teacher can make. It just takes a decision to do what’s best for kids.

The first promise – I promise to make amazing lesson plans – connects with the second promise in the Amazing Teacher Pledge.

I promise to keep learning.

Amazing teachers never stop looking for new ways to reach their students.

Amazing teachers read books on teaching. They attend conferences on teaching. They read blogs on teaching. They ask for ideas from other amazing teachers.

Amazing teachers keep learning.

I know teachers who have been teaching for over 20, 30 years, and they are still creating new lesson plans based on some new teaching strategy they’ve learned or some new technology that has been introduced into the classroom.

We are transitioning into using the Common Core State Standards, and for a lot of teachers, some of the old lessons that they used in the past are having to be thrown out.

Common Core is asking teachers to create lessons where students are asking the question, “why.” Students are being asked to write more and to justify their responses. The new assessments will have questions where there are more than one possible answer.

Some teachers will complain. Some teachers will get frustrated. Some teachers will not want to change.

Amazing teachers will see the transition to Common Core as an opportunity to learn new ways to teach the material.

I’ve been in professional development meetings where teachers get together and brainstorm how to teach a particular topic under the new Common Core Standards, and I come away inspired by the creativity and ingenuity of some of the ideas that are produced.

Amazing teachers love going to these kinds of meetings.

I would encourage new teachers to keep learning. Even though you have finished your formal education, the learning has just begun.

Be amazing!


Don’t forget to take the Amazing Teacher Pledge! Click Here to be Amazing!



Until next time,

Here’s to your Success In The Classroom!




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