What are the qualities of amazing teachers?
What do amazing teachers do that other teachers can’t or won’t do?
Why do so many new teachers forfeit their high energy and dedication to the students for mediocrity?
I get so disappointed sometimes when I hear on the news about another teacher who has been accused of doing something illegal or who was involved in some bad behavior.
These stories serve to only lesson the effect that amazing teachers do every day in their classrooms.
We don’t hear enough about the accomplishments or achievements of teachers in the media.
I believe that every teacher has the ability to be amazing.
I believe that students deserve to be taught by amazing teachers.
I believe you can be amazing!
I would like to challenge every teacher, whether you’re a new teacher, a soon-to-be teacher or a veteran teacher, to take the Amazing Teacher Pledge.
What is the Amazing Teacher Pledge, Sam?
I’m glad you asked.
The Amazing Teacher Pledge is a set of 10 promises, that if you can make and keep these promises, I believe you will be an amazing teacher.
There is no scientific documented research that will back up my claim.
I just know, however, that if you can commit to these promises, you will see a dramatic change in your students, their learning, classroom management, and you will be part of growing community of teachers who are making a statement against teacher mediocrity.
In the next series of blog posts, I’ll share with you the 10 Promises that are part of the Amazing Teacher Pledge.
Be amazing!
Promise #1:
I promise to create amazing lesson plans.
Amazing teachers create lesson plans that keep students engaged and learning.
It is so much easier to pass out a worksheet or tell students to read a section in the textbook and answer the questions at the end of the chapter.
It takes much more time and effort on the part of the teacher to create lesson plans that not only deliver the content, but also have a connection to the lives of the students.
It requires that the teacher get to know his/her students and their learning styles. It means that the teacher takes risks and tries new ways to deliver the content.
Amazing teachers ask the question, “How can I teach this concept to my class in a way that is different than what they are used to?”
The temptation will always be there to throw something together at the last minute or to “wing it.”
Amazing teachers fight that temptation and make time to create amazing lesson plans.
Don’t forget to take the Amazing Teacher Pledge! Click Here to be Amazing!
Until next time,
Here’s to your Success In The Classroom!
The Amazing Teacher Pledge is awesome! Please include me in your future emails. I would love to pass them on to my colleagues.
Hello Steve.
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