With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I wanted to take some time and make a list of some of what I’m grateful for.
Of course, I’m thankful for my family and friends. I love my job and I am blessed to be able to spend my days working with amazing people who are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children.
I’m also thankful for teachers.
Having spent the last 25 years in education, mainly as a classroom teacher, I’ve met so many extraordinary people who have had an impact not only on the lives of students, but also on mine as well.
These are individuals who never get the recognition they deserve, but continue to do all they can to help kids.
For these teachers, I am thankful.
For the teachers who ask, “why?” before labeling a student as a behavior problem, I am thankful.
For the teachers who come in early and stay late to offer students extra help, I am thankful.
For the teachers who are always looking for new ways to teach the subject, I am thankful.
For the teachers who keep parents informed about their children’s progress, I am thankful.
For the teachers who meet their students at the door with a high five or a “I’m glad you’re here,” I am thankful.
For the teachers who share their wisdom on a blog or in a tweet, I am thankful.
For the teachers who stay positive in class, in spite of the negative outside the class, I am thankful.
For the teachers who focus on the student’s strengths when others concentrate on his/her weaknesses, I am thankful.
For the veteran teachers who take the new teacher under their wing that first year, I am thankful.
For the teachers who work toward building relationships with all their students, I am thankful.
For the teachers who see the student first, and then his/her disability, I am thankful.
For the teachers who give students second and third chances, I am thankful.
For the teachers who can apologize to a student, I am thankful.
For the teachers who persevere in spite of all the demands placed on them, I am thankful.
For the teachers who love the unlovable students, I am thankful.
For the new teachers, with their youthful enthusiasm and fresh ideas, with their save-the-world-one-child-at-a-time mentality, and their contagious love for teaching, I am truly thankful.
What are you thankful for?
Until next time,
Here’s to your Success In The Classroom!
P.S. Have you taken the Amazing Teacher Pledge?